How common is Squint?

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Squints are common and affect about 1 in 20 children, including babies. Squint can be present at birth (Congenital) or develop later in early childhood before the age of 3 years.

It is caused due to abnormalities in eye muscles that control the movement of the eyeball and the eyelids. When the eye muscles of both eyes are unable to coordinate with each other, one cannot look at the same point which is called squint. It can occur due to neurological problems in the brain or due to disruption in coordination between the eyes and brain due to refractive errors or weakened or misplaced eye muscles.

Common risk factors are premature birth, low birth weight, eye or head injury, family history of squint, nerve damage, thyroid disease, and also conditions like Down’s Syndrome, cerebral palsy, and Autism Spectrum disorders.

PEDIA VISION Children Eye Care offers holistic eye care for children from birth through adolescence with special services like binocular vision assessment, Vision therapy, and Dynamic and dilated retinoscopy in even non-verbal kids to diagnose their refractive errors.

So, what are you waiting for? Schedule an appointment for children children-friendly evaluation today.
