Vision Therapy

Vision Therapy in Delhi: Child Eye Specialist

Vision Therapy is designed to educate the child how the brain controls the eyes, to get better their visual expertise and how to apply these new expertise to better reading, literacy, and attention. Vision Therapy can include the use of lenses, prisms, strainer and computer-supported visual activities. Other source, similar as balance boards, metronomes andnon-computerized visual instruments also can play an important part in a customized vision therapy program. It's important to note that vision therapy isn't defined by a simple list of tools and techniques. Successful vision therapy issues are achieved through a remedial process that depends on the active engagement of the prescribe consultant, the vision therapist, the sufferer and (in the case of children) the child's parents.
There are three main group of vision Therapy 
1. “ Orthoptic vision Therapy: Orthoptic vision therapy are used by pediatric ophthalmologists and orthoptists, are eye exercises to get better binocular function and are teach in the office and carried out at home. ” Orthoptics ” is a well- established profession performed by “ Orthoptists ” who work within the sub-specialty of ophthalmology. Orthoptists access and measure eye divergence, manage amblyopia treatment and treat small intermittent characteristic eye divergence.
2. Behavioral/ perceptual vision therapy – eye exercises to better visual processing and visual perception
3. Vision theraphy for forestallment or correction of diplopia (hypermetropia)  

Benefit: Vision Therapy

When the eyes move, align, fixate and point together, a whole new world of vision is discovered. With successful treatment, our sick person may find that
• Study becomes easier
• Reading ability and speed increases
• Time spent on work decreases
• The capability to follow moving objects( a ball, a vehicle) improves
• Seeing objects close or at a distance improves
• Virtual internal images becomes easier

Who need Vision Therapy? 

• The person who Skipping words or lines while reading
• Mixing analogous  words, similar ‘ was ’ and ‘ saw ’
• Difficulty in  letters to identify such as b, d, p and q
• Difficulty in reading or doing school work or any work
• Holding books too nearly or shake head when reading
• Eyestrain or headaches with doing work or computer use
• Difficulty with reading paragraph 
• Blurred or double vision when reading
• Avoiding school or other work 
• Poor attention span

What Vision Therapy do?

Vision Therapy can relieves symptoms and better result for a variety of vision problems, including
Amblyopia: Also called" lazy eye," amblyopia is a vision development problem where an eye fails to attain normal visual perceptivity, generally due to hypermetropia or other problems of eye teaming.
Strabismus: The success of vision therapy for hypermetropia depends on the direction, magnitude and frequence of the eye turn. Vision Therapy has been proven effective for treating an intermittent form of hypermetropia  called convergence insufficiency, which is an incapability to keep the eyes duly aligned when reading despite better eye vision alignment when looking at far off objects.
Other binocular vision problems: Subtle eye alignment problems called phorias that may not produce a visible eye turn but still can occur eye strain and eye fatigue when reading also can be minimized or corrected with vision therapy.
Eye movement disease: Studies have shown vision therapy can better the correctness of eye movements used during reading and other close-up work.
Other problems: Other vision problems for which vision therapy may be effective include visual- perceptual diseases, vision problems associated with experimental disabilities and vision problems associated with acquired brain injury( similar as from a stroke)

Feel free to Contact us at +91-8130780790 for your Child Eye Problems and Eye Surgery.

Frequently asked question

Vision therapy has been shown to be effective in improving visual skills such as focusing, eye movements, convergence, and more. It aims to strengthen the eye-brain connection, enhance visual skills, and improve visual perception. Research studies funded by the National Eye Institute have demonstrated the efficacy of vision therapy in treating various visual conditions and enhancing learning, reading, attention, and concentration.
Vision therapy can benefit individuals of all ages, not limited by age but by the type of visual condition a person has. Both children and adults with visual challenges like learning-related vision problems, poor binocular vision, eye teaming issues, strabismus, amblyopia, stress-induced visual challenges, and sports vision enhancement can benefit from vision therapy. The therapy aims to improve eye coordination, focusing, tracking, and visual processing skills, leading to better academic performance, sports success, and overall visual health.

The success of vision therapy is not determined by age but by the type of visual condition, a person has. While some may believe they are too old to correct their vision, the brain's dynamic nature allows for effective vision therapy in adults as well as children. Motivation to succeed often leads to faster improvements in adults compared to children. Children also respond well to vision therapy, enhancing their performance in school and sports. Therefore, the best age for vision therapy depends on the individual's specific visual challenges and their readiness to engage in the therapy program. For expert pediatric eye care services and vision therapy, visit Child Eye Specialist - Best Pediatric Ophthalmologist Delhi NCR at Child Eye Specialist.

A child may need eye therapy to address various visual challenges that can impact their learning, development, and overall well-being. Vision therapy is designed to improve visual skills and treat conditions like amblyopia (lazy eye), eye alignment problems (strabismus), focusing difficulties, and other issues that affect eye coordination and visual processing. Children who experience symptoms such as intermittent double vision, blurred vision, headaches, eyestrain, or difficulties with eye-hand coordination may benefit from vision therapy to enhance their visual abilities and improve their performance in daily activities, school, and sports. For expert pediatric eye care services and vision therapy, visit Child Eye Specialist - Best Pediatric Ophthalmologist Delhi NCR at Child Eye Specialist.

Vision therapy can help children with eye problems by improving the relationship between their eyes and brain, enhancing their visual skills, and addressing specific visual conditions. This specialized and personalized program aims to strengthen visual skills needed for academic success, sports performance, and overall well-being. Vision therapy can benefit children with various eye issues such as amblyopia (lazy eye), convergence insufficiency, strabismus, double vision, eye teaming and tracking problems, focusing difficulties, depth perception issues, eye fatigue, and more.

Through a tailored vision therapy program that includes exercises, equipment, lenses, and tools, children can improve their eye coordination, tracking abilities, visual processing speed, depth perception, hand-eye coordination, and overall visual comfort and efficiency. By retraining parts of the vision system that may not be working optimally, vision therapy helps children develop or enhance necessary visual skills, improve how they process information visually and strengthen weaker visual skills. The program is designed to be challenging yet supportive to ensure gradual improvement in the child's visual abilities over time.

Vision therapy can be beneficial for children with dyslexia by addressing underlying visual problems that may contribute to their reading difficulties. While dyslexia itself is a brain processing issue, vision therapy can help improve visual skills like eye tracking, teaming, focusing, and other foundational abilities essential for reading and learning. By treating visual issues that interfere with reading and learning, vision therapy can indirectly support the treatment of dyslexia. It is important to note that vision therapy does not directly treat dyslexia but can enhance visual processing, making reading and learning more efficient for children with dyslexia.