Vertical Strabismus

Vertical Strabismus Treatment in Delhi

Vertical Strabismus is a type of Strabismus or misalignment of the eyes. Vertical Strabismus also known as Hypertropia. While some people have eyes that go inward( crossed eyes) or outward, Vertical Strabismus occurs when one eye turns overhead. It may be constant or done only when you’re tired or stressed.
Strabismus is generally diagnosed in children and affects about 2 percent out of every 100 children. Vertical Strabismus is the least common form of  Strabismus. It’s estimated that about 1 child in 400 has Vertical Strabismus. The condition can also appear in maturity, frequently as the result of disorder or injury to the eye.

Signs and Symptoms

• Vertical Strabismus is usually at the top list in the field of action of the involved inferior rectus muscle.

•Conceively a compensatory chin-down head posture with the face turned toward the involved eye.

• Mild incyclotropia may be seen on sensitive testing but is infrequently characteristic.

• Bielschowsky's head-tilt test gets positive, negative, or paradoxical results.

• Forced duction testing is usually negative in cases of true inferior rectus muscle weakness, although paresis and restriction can coincide.

• Active force-generation testing demonstrating dropped muscle force necessary to confirm the diagnosis.

Causes: Vertical Strabismus

Vertical Strabismus happens when the eye muscles are imbalanced and don’t work together.
The most common cause is weakness (called paralysis) in the neurons in the brain that control eye movement.
Some other causes
• Stroke
• Thyroid disorder 
• Eye injury
• Neurological diseases 

Treatment: Vertical Strabismus

Spectacles: Lenses that correct any near- or vision can help better misalignment of the eyes. Also, a prism can be added to spectacles to help with the alignment of the eyes.
Patching: Muscles, including the eye muscle, get stronger when they’re consistently worked. Placing a patch over the strong eye for a specified number of hours a day will encourage the wear and tear to use the weaker eye, thereby strengthening it and conceively perfecting vision.
Surgery: A trained surgeon can strengthen weak eye muscles and loosen tight bones to align the eyes. Occasionally there might be an overcorrection, still, and surgeries may need to be repeated.


Feel free to Contact us at +91-8130780790 for your Child Eye Problems and Eye Surgery.

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