Accommodative esotropia is one of the most common types of strabismus in children. The prevalence is estimated at 2% of the population. It's generally shown in patients with a moderate number of hyperopia. As the patient accommodates or focuses the eyes, the eyes analysis. Accommodative esotropia is caused by accommodative intersection associated with hyperopia.
As babies, the eyes are straight, but as they learn to accommodate to see distinctly, the fusional divergence isn't acceptable and the child develops esotropia. This condition may present anytime from infancy to late childhood, but most frequently between two and four years of age with no sexual or race partiality. In most cases, accommodative esotropia is associated with moderate hyperopia.
Extreme hyperopia may not stimulate intersection and may not manifest strabismus thus it's more delicate to identify by family and caregivers as the eyes are well aligned, still in this case the vision is blurred and leads to binocular amblyopia.
Common symptoms of Accommodative esotropia include
• Amblyopia( lazy eye)
• Eye turn, crossing of the eyes
• Diplopia( double vision)
• Reduced binocular vision( the capability of the eyes to work together)
• Inward turning of the eyes
• Issues with depth perception
• Loss of 3-D vision
While there are no known threat factors for infancy accommodative esotropia, some factors increase the threat of having esotropia, including
• If the child has a Family history of strabismus
• Certain medical diseases, such as hyperactive thyroid and diabetes
• Another eye disease, such as glaucoma or cataracts
• Neurological conditions, similar to immoderate fluid in the brain
• Preterm baby birth
• Stroke or brain injury
• This is frequently the first option for treatment. Eye misalignment or vision can be corrected using doctor's recommendation glasses. However, a bifocal lens may be needed, If a person’s eyes continue to cross while wearing spectacles.
• Vision Remedy is a customized program that retrains the eyes and brain to work together. It consists of eye exercises, to help strengthen eye function and the muscles around the eye to get better vision.
• Vision Remedy may also involve a patient wearing a patch over the unaffected eye to enhance the function of the crossed eye.
• For patients who have mild esotropia, botox injections may be used to reform the eyes.
• In some cases, surgery may be required to modify the length of the muscles around the eyes; Still, this doesn't automatically abolish the need for spectacles or contact lenses.
• The outcome of accommodative esotropia depends on its seriousness and type. While it may resolve on its own, it may need treatment, such as spectacles or surgery.
The pediatric ophthalmologist will execute all of the mandatory tests to validate that your child has an accommodative esotropia. This includes an examination with dilating eye drops to determine the degree of vision and to make sure the eyes are else normal. Full-time use of the applicable foresighted spectacles will frequently control the esotropia. When wearing the spectacles, your child won't need to be accommodated and hence the associated eye crossing will reappear. Still, after removing the spectacles, the crossing will reappear, maybe indeed further than before your child began wearing spectacles.
Occasionally the spectacles will only cause the crossing to vanish. when your child looks in the distance. Still, when gapeing at near objects, crossing may persist despite the use of the spectacles. In these circumstances, a bifocal lens is generally specified to permit your child to have straight eyes at all viewing distances.
Feel free to Contact us at +91-8130780790 for your Child Eye Problems and Eye Surgery.